Laptop advice... I'm buying a laptop and wondered if anyone had any advice. My current thoughts are either a dell or a sony...I only want it for writing so I'm not arsed about DVD re-writers and expensive graphics cards...but I do want something that looks sexy! Willing to spend up to 1k...
I bought a powerbook a month or so back and an fucking love it. I use a windows machine at work but prefer my mac these days
Toshiba Laptops are brilliant. The Sony K315b is decent, but the k315m is MUCH better!! Come see me at Dixons....i'll sort u a free bag
there's some well sexy new acer ones doing the rounds (not the ferrari branded ones - although if they float ya boat, fair play, they aint too bad but the red is a bit ) they are defo what i would go for. they dont try to look to 'different' but they take the accepted laptop look and do it extremely well.