Theres sumwhere in the toon that does it for £600 per eye was thinkin bout havin it done me self. will try n find out where it is 4 ya
Someone I used to wrk with had it done. The price is about what you said and they sed it didnt really hurt. She said it was frightening cos obviously your sight is very bad initially (apparently) but she never looked back
That's how I've always thought of it, I'm paying £16 a month for contacts and need new glasses, so if you add that up over the rest of my life, £600 an eye is nowt really, plus it means you don't have to faff on all the time
Just get cataracts - they scrape out your old lens and put a new one in, I can see much better out of my eye than I ever used to (-0.25), only prob is that I can't focus on owt less than 18 inches away.
Ultra Lase is in Newcastle they have an internet site- you can request an inforamtion pack to be sent, Claire is having a consultation at the end of the month for her's its £995 per eye!