Last night.. Think it's safe to say Promise is back on form. Last night went the way I love Promise to go. The music, all of it, was spot on. Tulip played some stuff I've listened to at home before, very good to finally hear them in a club and the rest of his set was excellent. Alot of people I spoke to (not off the board mostly) agreed doing this sort of a build up is better, and alot also said they had missed it. Lee had a few new tunes up his sleeves, dunno how he fits them Taxi driver let us put the CD on, on the way home, and he liked it too. Hardwick was... Hardwick .. haven't seen him in a year.. and Eddie .. was loving the techno he was belting out as well as the rest. Never danced so much at Promise Just about everyone was there and this was deffo one of my best nights out.
yep a great night from start to finish - i was knackered the whole night through from gettin up that morning at 6 and driving all the way up for 6 hours..... but i stayed till the very end. richard - great prog set lee - great trancer johan - harder trance, great matt - fucking MINT, he was the reason i came up and i couldnt have asked for more. he's incredible - "holding onto nothing", such a tune. eddie - not really one for his sets, but the man has superb stage presence, and works his nuts off. he dropped "murder was the bass too" - which had the floor of the club buzzing all in all a great night. it was good to be introduced to alot of you by orbit as well - oi oi
Johntystar said to me 'this is how Promise used to be'. How right he was! It was also how Promise should be. Eddie was Eddie and is , Hardwick was good, was impressed with Gielen. What's with the prog tho! :evil: Great night overall and thanks to those of you who made it extra special. You know who u are!
Oh aye Lee? Shaggin in the toilets again were ya? Kinda wish I'd gone now Was thinkin bout goin after work, but I didn't get in til half 12, and I was absolutely knackered
what a night to have me 18th birthday on was unreal. got a cd off lee foster also, sounding mint so far. tulips prog warm up was as gud as it was hyped up to be, really class to build the night up. geilen was mint!! some great tunes played, really got things going, hardwick was amazing, loved it wen he dropped cristalle and no other love. atmosphere was buzzin!!! eddie was phoenomenal, great tunes, great entertainment, lizard at the very end was class, had a tiny bit energy in me left to go bonkers wen he dropped it. one of me mates who never seen eddie before was absolutely stunned standing watching him on the screen , as was i, amazing stuff. one of me mates got a record off him n all probz one of the best nights ive ever had. quality to meet u lot again , saw loadsa people out, everyone was quality!! i can now officially do promise legally
I had a mint nite n met sum really nice people off the board i havent spoken to b4! I finally got to speak to the spence! Love ya! hehe But i didnt get 2 see rachel which i was a bit about!
Was a top night indeed! Got there for the end of richards set, sounded quite nice the bit that i heard. Lee played and entertaining set with sum gud tunes Gielen played a good solid trancey set, wat i expected Hardwick started off amazing, first 3 tunes blew me away, then he played nocurnal creatures later on which was mint! however by the end of his set i was feeling the late nights that id had in recent days and was practically falling asleep upstairs! first alf of eddies set was quality, but i didnt think too much of the second half. All in all a gud nite, my mate who was there for the 1st time enjoyed it too which was cool, met people off the board including spence for the first time, got a cd and signed poster on leaving, went home and had a nice sleep
Last Night I missed it.. absaloutly gutted! Soz i missed your bday too cookee, sounded like a class night..... roll on next month.
I've just got in now...... .......what a class night!! Seemed like everyone enjoyed the prog, 'tis the way it has to be! Take note Tules!! Lee built it right up as usual, just right for Gielen. Gielen was quite good if not a bit cheesy. He is like a dutch Judge Jules IMO, he played a lot of the tunes that the Judge has played over the summer, still enjoyed him a lot though! What can you say about Matt that hasn't already been said, the man is just a legend!! Didn't think much of Eddie though, probably the worst set I have ever heard from him, still love the guy but I know he can play alot better which saddens me! Everyone was there, it was taking me ages just to walk round Foundation talking to everyone, I love it when it's like that! After all that I finally ended up in Consett for my first Consett-after-party! It was quite good, met some quality lads, feeling a bit rough now, so I'm going to bed!! Bring on next month!!!!!!
Re: I've just got in now...... Agreed! Disagree ! Thought he was good, best he's played since the first time IMO. Was gettin a bit tech-e. He's probably my favourite hardish DJ - he seems to be doing more and is scratching can be vgood and add something to it. He always seems to play one song i love that is really memorable- first it was Shadows and Lights theh it was That Fucked Camera, this time i owuld say probaly Iguana or Murder was the bass
vip bit freeked me out big time.. candles.. and flowers oooh *scratches head* :spangled:... nice 2meet ya gen kt+jess glasses??
Cheers people... Thanks to everyone who made Friday night a Promise to remember. Apologies to anyone who wanted a poster or CD but did not get one. See you at the next one!
Yea i was looking at the pics before and didnt recognise you at first, but then relised it was you. You look very sophistocated (sp)with them on.