Last Night. wow.. yet again another classic night at promise! reached new levels of pissedness & sillyness, listsened to some amazing hardcore all morning hello to everyone i met, can't rememeber much other than solar stone so i'm just assuming i met some of you last night time for bed
Mint last night it was,just couldnt stop myself insode there.And that video screen oooow that was hot.Now what were all those people dong up on the balcony i wonder?and why was it all just lads up there Oh and Steve imac,what a howl i had wiv him.Fukkin quality mate u
Was my first night at Promise last night and i must say it was superb, i will be back week after week. I can only remember 2 songs, one of them being Solar Stone and the other being Walk on Fire. I must have been hammered hehe p.s. If anyone found £25 then i say to you, YOU LUCKY BASTARD lol
yo yo hummel - dont know how i remember this but i think i was speaking to ya in the toilet @ end the night for a bit. glad u had a good nite, wonder who found your 25 quid !!?
i'll say it again.. wkd nite! tunes from last nite i can remember superchumbo - the revolution! plastic boy - silver bath three drives - carrera 2 can any1 add 2 it ?
Last night was really really really mint! Thanks to everyone who was there for making it a fan-dabi-dozi night and for being so nice, everyone was just so nice last night it was unbelievable, we love you all!!! One class memory from last night, Me and Gonzo were talking in the toilets and started taking the piss out of beer boys, we were describing what they look like and taking the piss then all of a sudden this bloke who looked EXACTLY like the beer boy we described appeared behind us and said "Eh, big collars are mint". Me and Gonzo just started howling and this lad started trying to take the piss out of us which made us laff even more, was tres funny......guess you had to be there!!! Thanks again everyone, especially BOB and Kerry James.....LUSH!!! Mick & Clare
yeah i remember talking to you, strange thing is i can remember everything about the night no matter how wasted i was, just not where ive misplaced/lost my cash lol oh well, just have to do it again next week wont i ..
was a class nite ppl wise.. i had a proper laugh with everyone i spoke to, but for methe music wasnt as good as i thought it was gonna be.. corvin last half hour was decent at best, and matt has played alot better but he was still fairly good
well i guess you can all imagine i had the best night of my life!!! just wana say a big thank you to mark for coming to find me to meet corvin, i was speachless!!! i just stood looking at him with my mouth open, and then the hugest grin came accross my face ever, and i told him how much i love him!!!! he signed all of my pictures, gave me 2 cd's and signed them, wrote on my tummy, signed my skirt and even wrote on my random book "the wet and hard diary of an angel - corvin dalek" and drew a picture of a willy on it too he was so nice, and mark his tour manager was mint too, they even thanked me for my emails, how sweet is that!!!!!! all in all it was a mint night, corvins set was fantastic, and he kept blowing kisses at me and waving when he was up there matt palyed a blinder too, all night i wanted to go to the toilet, but i was scared to leave the dance floor incase i missed something! we're going down la land!!!!! come on corvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
was a mint night! was great to see most peeps, corvin played a total blinder! and he took some photo's of erm.. me flashing my... and i was on the camcorder too! matt hardwick was fukin class as he always is! he done it again with solar stone-seven cities but it felt wierd coz its mine and doggie's tune from the birthday so i was a bit gutted that doggie wasnt there! but i did have a wiggle for ya hun! wicked night!!!!!!
i dont think i have been as happy as i was on friday for a long time...was total to talk to a few more ppl a bit more...which was good ... cant wait till next time i come...
2 tunes I heard Corvin play were Green Velvet - La La Land and this other one which you might remember where it goes faster and faster is Timo Maas - To Get Down (Timo's Dub Mix) I think its that mix. I found it on a vinyl when I was in the house this morning messing on.
Woohooooo! Was a mint night I must admit! Seen Corvin 3 times & for me that's the best outta the 3! Matt played a blinder aswell - some quality trance!
Im suprised I had any energy to dance I ran all the way from the coast road to Promise cause the bus was taking to long lol Oh Cogan u fool
oh my god!!!matt hardwick reaches new levels of amazingness here like!!wow wow!! playing exposure, silver bath then jones & stpehenson!!well done sir!!also heard the sun in there too!!and the usual chicane!!
Wicked nite. Silver bath!! Wow Solar stone Dave hows ur head. :spangled: And it was defo ur round I had a rather bad headache on sat afternoon. Was class nite. Oh and i had words wif that lady who nicked my HOOJ lolly 2 w/e ago and she said she thought id left it and fed it to her 6 yr old kid
Gutted.. Take a piece of advice from someone who experienced it first hand.. DO NOT BUILD WARDROBES BEFORE GOING TO PROMISE! New wardrobe arrived - flatpack furniture is always a bugger to ptu together.. half way thru making it, i'm lifting the main assembly when my feet slip on the flooring.. whoops, there goes my back!! I was fuming.. couldnt get out for Corven and Matt, and by hell im gutted i didnt go.. spent the weekend resting So just to say it again.. NEVER build furniture before you go clubbing.. might just fcuk your weekend up Anyway.. glad u lot had a mad one