Last Night What the fuck happened last night. I signed off at 9:30 ish and i come back on this morning and the board has been raided by a load of wankers. Did i miss anything good?
I was thinkin the same like. Although if ya read through a couple of em seem okay. Just a couple mind. Most of it s just pathetic abuse aimed at each other.
GRRRRRR!!!!! We used to have a better class of random on here (MCVypa etc) now its been invaded by rejects !
we were 'invaded' by twats form the crasher board.... thye had it planned and everything.. see my post called 'looky looky invasion'
we are tryin to keep this board happy and safe between us all and idiots like that come and destroy it for everyone.
i know a few of them and they are actually ok, even shaun who came accross as being the biggest twat is ok really, but i expected more from them, if ure guna invade a board at least do a good job, that was pure shit, i read this page and read every1 being pissed at them b4 i read their threads, and i was expecting alot more harshness than what there was, they wernt even that random, just shit really, c'mon guys, get it together, if ure guna try n take over us do a fecking good job - SHIT!
lol, very true! i got bored and logged off, couldnt be arsed to sit and read through all the crap threads! but they seemed to have cleaned up 2day.