Le Neet What's everyone doing? I know theres a weekend thread but people might have changed their minds, and if everyone's got that friday feeling they wont mind sharing their plans again Whoever's out for Wax on, where you heading before hand? Rave on...
in two minds, in a mood for some celebrating, so might go to wax on.. if i can do it for £20.. dont want to wreck myself for fabric though..
After my late drunken night last night! I think me and the loved one are stopping in for a quiet one! Cant do 2 nights in a row ne more.....gettin on now!
i have 20 pounds to my name, and will budget this as such buying cheap wine at tescos, drinking hopping the metro down town walking to wherever we meet taking my NUS card out, getting in for £9 1 drink @ £3 then £8 left for a taxi
Could be waxin on tha neet like,but there is a chance me plans could collpase and it'll be the lovely bars of Washington