Leonard Cohen anyone???? WARNING. this thread is not about trance or even dance music! aka laughing lenny, usually followed by the phrase "music to slit ya wrists to" Anyone like him/heard any of his music/even heard of him? Used to listen to him many many moons ago but haven't for ages til i d/loaded some last night. Jeez can this guy wrte a tune, I luv his stuff. songwriter extrordinaire IMHO If you haven't heard him before you'll probably have heard "Girl, you'll be a woman soon" which was used on one of the Tarantino films, Pulp Fiction or Dusk til Dawn I think..... but that's one of his more upbeat tunes. anyone else?
Re: Leonard Cohen anyone???? si thats scary mate, dont mind a bit of bob marley!:chill: jamin n all that!!!
Re: Leonard Cohen anyone???? My dad likes him. He’s got some good lyrics, but like you said “music to slit your wrists to”
Re: Re: Re: Leonard Cohen anyone???? thats even more scary mate!!! nah whatever tickles ur fancy!! get urself to sunday tradin 2moro im in that dj comp need some support!! hope to see u there mate, would mind people off the board seein me play for the first time!! im not gettin wasted 2moro though!!