Life advice. I've been having a right brain fart this weekend and talked to various people who've finished college, and people who didn't go wishing they had. For half a year whilst i was working there, i didn't feel business link was right for me, I just did it. I don't know if this is the right choice or not, but if I went and enroled in August to start in September, it would be free to do the course, but if i decided at 19+ i wanted to do it, it'd cost around £800 a year. Something's pushing me to see about doing this, as I don't feel right working yet, I wanna dodge some more tax before my youth has ended, and gain some more quals. The course I'm mainly interested in is Public Services (BTEC). It actually does look interesting compared to every other course I've done. I've got 4Bs 7Cs (including a Business Studies Intermediate Pass, worth 4 Cs at GCSE) and 2 Ds, an A level in ICT and soon an NVQ Level 2 in Business admin. Who knows, if I did it maybe i'd later find a Uni course out there that I think i'd enjoy/take an interest in, and go do it. It feels like i'm burning my bridges if I just start working. The trouble is though, I'd have to sell my car. To be honest, I don't think I'd be that arsed - all i've done is give lifts to people and spend lots of my monthly income on it. I could work somewhere like Asda like some of my mates do, part time, and get between £3-400 a month - without wheels that would do me spot on. I've always needed someone to direct me though, so I'm asking for your advice. I'd appreciate anything you lot have to offer, or if you feel the need to point something out I'll certainly take it into consideration. :think:
well since u wilol have ur nvq level 2 in business admin soon - why not do an nvq level 3 in public services, have my job...
When I left school I didn't have a clue what road to take..they're so many choices and not all that much advice available. What I found best was to find a job I wanted to do and worked backwards. If you have a job u can see urself doing for the rest of your life find out what qualifications are best suited for that job and work towards them. I wudn't be too worried about giving up your car, in the long term qualifications usually mean more money etc so it could be worth giving up the car now. Mick has spoken.
I forgot the damn alternative...if you don't go to uni what are you going to do and where can you see it taking you? Its worth having a plan that is achievable..I'm assuming you don't want to be stacking shelves all ur life?
Or data inputting or something It's just since I've started work it feels like i've been forced down a road I don't want to go down, and I don't know what work there is out there that I would like - so what I'm saying to myself is if I'm still not sure, why not do some qualifications in something I'm interested in?
If theres something u wanna do at college/uni then go and do it. But makes sure its something that points you in the direction of a job. Too many people just do nothing courses that are just a bit of paper and dont lead them into a job. Id say if u wanna go, then sell your car and get a part-time job. A car is nice, but you dont actually need it. There are buses into town! U dont have to end up in loads of debt as a student. Loads of students do, and then whinge about it. But to be fair, most of them only have themselves to blame because through say 4 years at Uni they had about 2 jobs and stuck at them for about a month. I worked in Safeway min 20 hrs a week during my entire time at uni, full time during every holiday. Came out in only a small amount of debt. You are clearly pretty bright. You have far more GCSE's than me for starters.
I agree in a way...but if I were you I would have a look what career path those jobs are likely to take you. You should look at what jobs are available to you when you have finished the qualifications and if they appeal to you then go for it. For all the courses might sound good the job at the end may be your idea of hell.
Oh, and you may want to check that there are a few jobs in the area you are looking at (even tho it will change over the time u do ur course) cos a lot of people are coming out of uni and finding there ain't a job for em.
You're right, but I only work hard at things I'm interested in. I've got friends who took no interest at school who've passed this course and say they actually enjoyed it. You learn about things which are interesting (to me anyway), and unless you don't attemd, it's practically impossible to fail. Generally though, this job leads to career possibilities in the public uniformed services. Police, I know. There are certain aspects of the police force I would be interested in working in, but you couldn't really see me on the beat in the street could you, to be fair. I like helping people.. knowing that I've made a difference, however small - and I hate working for businesses which are all greed greed money greed. Can you see where I'm coming from?
Its much easier to work at something you like and tbf, I wudn't advise getting into a career you don't like. The hard part is finding something you like and will serve you well in the long run. There's nowt wrong with the police either, a very respectable career and there is more to it than walking the beat. Big money grabbing businesses have there good points...they have a lot of money so they generally pay is always good!
If it was some 13 year old scallie, to be honest I'd feel I was doing him some good Mick.. I might take some time into looking at what other departments there are out there that you can work for in the police.. dunno where to look though