lil bird me and wor lass found a baby bird friday nite after the pub up the country and was beside another dead one, obviosly fell from the nest well we took it back and fed it worms and that all weekend and its got alot cherpier and when either of us goes close 2 it, it comes near us and has got a bit bigger, but the problem is it needs worms and i wanna know where i can buy maggots or worms from a fishing shop or sumik, coz theres none in my garden plus i get wrong for digging
Re: lil bird use warm water & washing up liquid...pour it on your garden & it'll bring the worms to the surface - it used to work when i was a kid & no digging needed either that or you might find a fishing shop in newcastle but don't know where
ive just came back from work this morning and its died! it was alive and chirping this morning but cudnt find it any worms and it was just lieing in its box, me dad has just got back with a back full of worms and maggots and that, im pretty gutted
You should always leave baby birds if you find them. Chances are its parents would have known where it was. Either that or ring the RSPCA.
im not the tyep of person just 2 leave it! but the thing was it grew alot in 2 days and was really cherpy and all that! just a shame
trust you to come out with something insensitive like that marc. you really need to get in touch with your feminine side sometimes. i played with mine lastnight
no, jimi is a clever boy, he would have put miracle grow in its water and it would have grown big enuff to eat the cats. and mate with humans