how come you were in the rain for 2 hours? you reminded me of pochahontis last night with that band on your head
Few times ive checked Liquid out on a weekend! its not bad. still gets the occasional charver in, but other than that its good! Needs a refit tho, and probs a bit of paint on the entrance!
it looks disgusting when the lights go up, we're meant to be getting a refit very soon. we've banned stripeys and rockports now thank god! Still get them coming in dressed as normal people though but hopefully they'll all go to the pig and whistle instead now.
ha ha, good thinking! to be honest with being where you are, u wont get rid of the charvs like! but last time i was there, there was shitloads of students! so fairplay. Who owns it anyhoo?
you work in mushroom dont you mate? It looks really nice in there! plus theres some fit bar staff last time i was in emmm laurel owns liquid they're terrible for giving their bars money for refurbishments we've been trying to get one for like a year and a half apparently they've only just decided to allow it.
@ scotty , just b4 u served me the 1st time 2 chavs started on me for "pushing in" to get to the bar , i just laffed and told em to fill their boots and let them in front of me , i still got served off you b4 they got served @ half yarder deffo m8 , ill book a week off work
haha Im very ignorant to people who think its their turn to be served I always serve people I know before anyone else there more important Rossy - fuck off