(live) ? I have only seen Push do a live set b4 and it was great, 3 of em doin seperate things. I can name others who do live sets but I cant say what they actually do when they play live. Who else does live sets and what do they actually do?
What I meant was, what does each DJ do when they play live? I.e. Lab 4 one plays the decks and the other plays the keyboard. Is that correct? So what does the other DJs do? The same? Or is there some do different things?
they have a shit load of samples which are assigned to set of keyboards and equipment. tis just knowing when to set off the samples. Tho there has been a great deal of crtisism as to how (LIVE) some of these performances are..
junkie xl nu nrg underworld chicane faithless rank 1 they the best i've seen live! don't see public domain!they are not good!
junkie xl nu nrg underworld chicane faithless rank 1 they the best i've seen live! don't see public domain!they are not good!
allegedly, at some big event a few yrs back they filmed push's live performance, and when they looked at it next day they noticed they were just jumping up and down behind their keyboards not actually playing anything......
Faithless are good live,they use loads of 'real' instruments. They have loads of people in their full band
Re: (live) ? Not a fan of their europop style MC Quote from their appearence at Coloursfest "Yah,how do you say,here we fackin go yah!"