logic help

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Stephen, Dec 21, 2005.

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  1. Stephen

    Stephen the reel master

    Aug 16, 2005
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    the old fold
    logic help

    - Mate needs help!

    I've been using Logic 5.5 with a stick of 512mb and another one of 256 for ages, and everything has been running ok up until recently.

    I upgraded the 256mb to a stick of Kingston 512mb so now I have 1 gb of ram.

    Everything on the pc is running like wildfire - really smooth and fast, but Logic for some bizaree reason has decided to overload all the time. I cant have more than 3 channels going at once and dont even get me started about when vanguard is being used!
    I cant even open old choons that I made ages ago because it overloads all the time.

    My set up is :

    PC with Pentium 4 3.2ghz hyper threading processer

    ASUS p4S800-mx motherboard

    120 gb hard drive (about 60% free)

    1 gb memory

    the problem has only arose since I upgraded the ram but I've never heard of ram conflicting with a single program - windows recognises I have 1 gb of ram too.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Download memtest86 for windows from here and use it to test your ram chip.

    it is possible that one of the banks on your chip is faulty, I had this happen with one of mine a while back (around the 256mb mark). I never noticed it until I put load on the machine heavily (like running a game for example), and the damn thing would reset itself.

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