long shot but anyone ever had any luck with the student loan company, theyre taking too much of my pay and i only wanna give them somet like £50 a month, can you actually tell them how much you wanna give them so they cant take anymore? ive tried ringing them but the jocks aint answering
i'm still defering mine since 1997. aaaahhhhhhh. ignorance is bliss saying, it's the only debt i really have
Re: long shot but Think you can say how much you want to pay, as long as you at least pay the minimum. It's all calculated automatically by inland revenue I think anyway, so might be worth giving them a call if you can't get through to Glasgae. I haven't paid anything off mine since I graduated in 2003, and don't even live in the country any more. You any idea if it'll just disappear one day, or is it more likely that I'll just get a massive bill at some point?
Re: Re: long shot but i remember the rumour that they magically disappeared after 25 years..... however, i'm sure there will be a letter for you, somewhere, asking for the lot once you return
I've heard the same rumour, only with a few people saying it's ten years, and others saying fifteen. Either way, I'm not paying it back. I've lived in Liverpool, London, and Luxembourg since graduating, and also returned a letter they sent to my parents' house marking it 'no longer at this address'. I'm sure it's not a foolproof plan, but for £14k it's worth a shot.
oooo found this Loan repayments are taken through the income tax PAYE system; The current threshold is £15,000 pa. If your taxable income is less than this, then no repayments. If it's more, then you repay 10% of (Income - £15,000), eg if you earn £25,000 then you repay £1,000 that year. Interest is variable, equal to the current rate of inflation. Any outstanding debt after 25 years is written off. Being abroad means no repayments unless you are still taxed in the UK (this could happen). Interest still accrues. DEmmerson's figure are perfectly correct, but note that if you still owe £27,809 after 25 years, you won't have to repay it anyway. 15 years and counting.............
Re: Re: long shot but If you are outside the UK then you dont pay any back until you return. The only downside is that interest builds up and if you are over the pay threshold when you return to the uk then youll be paying it back. The interest rate is the rate of inflation so you can pretty much view it as an interest free loan. I think if you dont earn over the threshold for 25 years then it gets wiped.
I was over the threshhold for the two or three years I lived in the UK after uni, dunno why I haven't paid anything off though.
I deferred mine for a couple of years and every year they sent me payment notices. I'd phone them and they would say that i hadnt sent in my form to defer the payments. The 1st 2 years i sent in 2 or sometimes 3 forms. the 3rd year i sent in 3 and they still said they hadnt received them and wanted their money. i told them to shove it up their arses and i havent paid a penny in bout 12 years. doesnt even show on my credit file anymore either!!
I graduated in 2004, and still haven't paid back a penny. Been over the threshold for a while now too.
No mate- every new job I've started, I always tick the student loan repayment box, yet they still haven't started taking it. I know I'll probably get raped for it all at some point though.
I'd watch out I went to uni for a couple of years when i left school, racked up £4000 student loans. Didnt tell them that I moved house/been working etc and then 3 years later I decided i better ring up and tell them what my crack was. Had to pay £1800 in arrears within 30 days.
Where do they come from and how do you get little or no interest on the cash? What's in it for the loan company?
they get governemtn tax breaks and financing, its a scottish company that give kids loans. cunts are raping me and my mate at work isnt paying a penny
how do they know when you are over the threshold? do you tell them? How do they take it out ya pay? someone at work paid 17p off last month lol
i usually pay fuck all, despite being over the threshold. if - however - i earn a lot more than usual (for example last xmas, including bonuses, overtime etc my wage was nearly double) they then jumped in ang took £50. however, following that, they resumed taking nothing! not fussed like, i certainly aint gonna chase them for it!