Look at this! Im sure if your a trance fan and your male...you'll like this!! I was listening to some old tracks on youtube and came across 'dancing heather'... what a crease!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QDwFYw_xTU]In my memory[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEMZ3TTRSdU]Beautiful things[/ame] Plus theres loads more shes done!! :think:
Haha, i think its wierd!! She has loads of lip syncs up!! Maybe she wants to be a trance singer when she grows up...! :spangled:
when she grows up?? i assumed she was already at a grown up age, feel like a little peadofile now haha
This is exaclty the type of thing that pisses me off to no end about youtube and proves that there's alot of odd balls out there. Who in their right mind would use their webcam so lip sync and put it on the net for all to see? Is there meant to be some kind of viewing demand for this? What would she say if her parents walked in the room? "Alright mam, please dont distract me for the next 4 minutes 14 seconds, I'm just pretending to sing this song into my webcam for youtube." People like that are scary.
I get your point but when im watching something like that all i think about is how good it would be if she just got her tits out or something!
Can think of many female members of this board who were well underage when they started posting/getting sleazed on