Loops & Things Anyone heard the Marco V vs. Combi:Nations mix and the other new mix which I think is just called CLub mix? Are they any good? The sample on Above the sky wont work for me. Can anyone post another sample? Cheerz
Can anyone remember a cheesy European rave act called Mark'Oh? They used the same sample in on of their tunes
Its defo things m8y. The orgiinal Jens mix has vocals in and he says things. It says things on the record itself as well. I also used to think this.
The piano bit sounds exactly like Loops and Tings. I think Loops and Tings is really overrated - not one of his better efforts
Its not over-rated m8 its just doin the rounds at the mo so its gunna be hyped! Tis a great tune and will obviously be talked about in alot @ present.
This is correct, one of the new mixes os OK aswell for playing earlier in a set, its basically a toned down version of the reelooped mix. This is one of the tunes of 2003 for me, bit overplayed tho