Lost... Whats all the fuss about?!?! Is it REALLY that good?!?! If so then I need the HDTV rip's pls - anyone got series 1 in HDTV? (not xvid's etc...pure HDTV) ta
High Definition. It's basically how things are supposed to be seen. Absolutely AMAZING quality - you see every single bit of detail!! An example, on the Xbox 360, the NBA game you can even see the sweat dripping off the players :laugh:
You got your PC hooked up to an LCD or Plasma thats HD ready mate? If so get some HD tried on it and be amazed An example...Gladiator, one DVD, one HDTV..
Bri, its class and totally addictive. So many things unanswered, it just gets your brain in a twist lol. I didnt watch it for ages but now Im totally addicted.
I've got a HDTV video projector (720i) hooked up by HDMI to a HTPC. Loving the acronyms. http://www.nucastle.co.uk/showthread.php?threadid=50869
Sleepy, how are you watching HDTV? Do you have a DVD player that is playing this format? SKY was supposed to be offereing HD packages by January.
It's not even real HDTV though I've read. Also, does anyone else find Sky looks a bit compressed, bit like low quality divx?
I get an amazing picture through SKY, I don't see how there gonna better it with HD but I have heard it's incredible. Pay through the nose for it no doubt.
I have my PC connected (via DVI lead) to my LCD TV which is HDTV ready. Sky is supposed to be due with it yeah - not many channels at 1st but it's a start!!
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