lost MY FUCKING PHONE im absolutley gutted, hate being unable to contact the outside world... havent had much sympathy either Anyone know wheres the best place to get a good chep phone ?
get a deal on 3, nice new video phone, plenty of free minutes/txts, and if there is a good offer on atm it'll cost you approximately zero pence for a 12 month contract!
and also if you go with three - you wont be able to use your minutes or texts cos......... their network is GARBAGE! stay away! if you just want a cheap phone without a contract pop onto ebay.
I've been with 3 for about 3 weeks now. Had no problems with coverage and that's out in the sticks in Consett! Video calling even works. Got 600 mins, 90 mins video calls / mess and 500 texts for £27 a month. And a free Nokia N70. Went to phones 4 you. Just haggle with them until you get a deal you want and a free phone. The deals you get offered first time round are far from the best they can actually give you. They'll do whatever it takes to get your business. My phone was supposed to be £100 and line rental £50. Kept telling them no and they gave me a better deal
They appear to be good at first cos you get a lot for your money... ...BUT...... ...give it a few months and watch the problems start Dont say I didn't warn you
One of my mates has been with them for over a year and hasn't had any problems. I know they used to be really bad but they seem a lot better now
They go round in circles. I think they improve the network for a few months to make people think its ok, then they go back to normal. They are constantly being investigated by ofcom etc. Customer service is a disgrace too. But, each to their own
Matts 3 phone has been champion no bother with coverage, i want pay as you go though cos i cant be trusted with a contract at all... Got virgin sim so im using that in a NOKIA 3410, how embarassing are the monophonic ringtones please
had mine 6 months and no bother and it would be worth it even if the coverage was bad, i am going to end up paying -30 pounds for 12 months (not including international calls and extra charges i might incur on myself), and thats including loads of mins,txts, £5 credit a month on the internet, video minutes, multimedia messages and of course the phone itself for free. Its immense!! had no trouble with customer service either
What deal you get? i've got the 6680 with 400 mins, 250 sms and 25 mms. Will work out as 35 quid for the year.
Got the LG U8180, 400 mins, 250 texts, 50 video minutes, 50 m/m/ms, £5 internet credit, do that for 6 months then switch to the £20 a month for the next 6 months (after blagging a few more mins/txts first! ) then after 12 months i'll be paid £30 overall!
Yeh thats the same tarriff as im on, just made a video call... not bad at all really. The LG isn't a great phone though, much prefer the nokia ones.