Lua Lua fears for family after red card

Discussion in 'Sport' started by kid, Jan 29, 2004.

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  1. kid

    kid Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    Inside My Minds Mind!
    Lua Lua fears for family after red card

    "I shouldn't get a red card, but I have. I'm all right here, but I don't know what's happening to my family so I might have to think twice about being an international now."

    "I know it's not a good thing to say as a youngster. But I've got to phone my family and see what's happening...I can't afford to keep risking people back there. It's me that made a mistake, not them. God knows what's happening there.

    South African referee Jerome Damon penalised Lua Lua with a straight red for an off -the-ball backheel on Tunisian midfielder Jawhar Mnari, who theatrically fell to the floor after minimal contact.

    This was the signal for some argy-bargy as a clearly distraught Lua was reluctant to leave the field and most of his team mates had to intervene to prevent him getting stuck in to the whole Tunisian side. It was almost five minutes before he was ushered away
    The verdict from the commentators and those watching at home was that our man had been the victim of some blatant cheating.

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