i'll be there, post 12.30am havent a clue how i'm getting up, i'm trying to get inexperianced sand-dancers to come with me to foot the maxi bill
might be there from the start just to help out as Nez might not be back in time but if not probs wonder over for about 11
Think i may have to have a mission to Bt when i finish at 12.....see you's on the dancefloor like hew!!!!
lol aii. cos ya kna how i get called supes. well this kid i know thought i was called scoopz for ages and ever since then everyone just calls me scoopz. or i get called jeff cos on our way to amsterdam a few months ago. i was in a bit of a ket mess in the airport on the way there and i had accidently left my passport and boardin card wit passport control. so when my name got announced over the tanoy to go back and pick it up. i asked morla if that was my name that got announced and he said 'nah they didnt say lee nicholson, it was jeff nicholson they wanted' i just looked at him and i said i'm wrecked as fuck but i know that was my name lol. so i get called jeff now aswell. lol