Mackem Jokes Need some good mackem jokes to cheer me up (Monday morning ) Q: Whats the difference between a toothpick and Sunderland? A: A toothpick has more points Q: How does a Mackem change a light bulb? A: He asks the prison guard. Q. What have the Mackems and a nappy got in common A. Piss upfront and crap at the back.
what does a mackem use for protected sex? a bus shelter! what does a mackam lass do when she orgasms? drops her kebab!
Q: how many mackems does it take to change a lightbulb??? A: None, they enjoy living in the shadows. Tip: Grow your own dope, plant a mackem.
Q: how can you tell if a mackem has burgled your house?? A: the rubbish from all of the bins is missing and the cat is pregnant.