Man arrested ova sara cameron murder just seen this nee wonder its taken a while to get him, he was in sussex. good to know the boys in blue didn't give up or become lethargic in their hunt like.
.. hope it is him, they have never given up and must have spent a fortune on resources. 5 mins down the road from me, one of my mates even had to give a sample a few years back
Re: .. i think just about every bloke round that area had to give a swab sample at one point didn't they?
thats excellent news! I hope they have got the right person. It was an awful time when she got murdered. I worked in the bar next to where she worked and we had alot of mutual friends. I know alot of people who were suspects in the case and it was awful. My uncle was questioned about 4 times as he lived right next to earsdon metro and fitted a description of someone seen near the site.
Remember a few years back when i was living at me mams near there and i'd just had a bucket and the doorbelll went and it was some DC wanting to speak to my kid bro about it, loads of his mates gave dna swab's as well.
Really pleased they've got someone for this. I actually spoke to her the day before she was killed. Very freaky.