Man killed by burgler It wont even be news tomorrow. A Farmer defending his property shoots and kills a thieving pikey scumbag IN HIS OWN HOME and its in the news for about 4 years. This country is upside down.
Sadly ya right pike, we are upside down. at least in the states u can lawfully kill the thieving bastard.
if i owned a gun and found some toe-rag in my house, threatening my family, invading my castle and robbing my stuff - i'd shoot them. They come into someones house - they should expect this to happen. i'd take whatever consequences came my way. they act like the lowest form of life - the deserve treatment as such.
bastards! You should be able to defend yourself and your property........these fucking chav scummers need a harsh lesson...ALL of them. Neuter them at birth, then lock 'em up!
Its a fucking joke in this country - total piss take at times ! I would love to say what i could about certain things on here but i value my house / property and i dont wanna get banned from the board