Manor is the Park Cancelled Manor In The Park Newcastle United Football Club, St James’ Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4ST We regret to inform everyone that this event has been cancelled The reasons for this are that at the very last minute we have had several unworkable restrictions imposed on us but to be totally honest we are unconvinced by the pre ticket sales, which for a line-up of this magnitude is disappointing to say the least. Rather than put on a half-cocked event (which is not our style) we felt that the best course of action was to cancel. We’d like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to any of you who have made arrangements to attend and to thank you for your support. For those of you who have already purchased tickets we will be in touch in the next few days to arrange a full refund. We’d like to thank all our production staff, Defected Records and Newcastle United Football Club for all the efforts to pull this event together, sadly in vain.
a) it was a bit of a crap line up b) once again, newcastle city council putting the kabosh on another dance event in the area. We need to vote out these old farts... i'm seriously considering taking up a position on the council. if we get a few of us, we could push some of these thru! it's a shame
I agree it wasn't the best line up and I had no intention of going but it's a shame another event like this isn't going ahead in the city......
who said anything was imposed by the council? was it not gateshead council health and safety that turned the screws in fucking the love parade? the line up was gash, the venue was an odd choice to say the least... plus half the people who go to manor born etc are sunday night clubbers who work the bars and hairdressers in town.. commiting themselves to pay x amount for an event ticket is a bit much really to expect imo... its a different breed... apparently sedgefield was a pile of toss too...
I wouldnt be able to forgive myself going to the Newcastle Utd ground and getting cock eyed to fuck :spangled: Sunderlands / Man Utds is ok..... Ticket sales is the obvious reason as to why it hasnt happened innit !!
I thought it was an awesome line-up.....JJ & K Dope playin together would have been unreal, and Dim from Paris is brill....the only problem was the price.