Matt Hardwicks Headphones From : Matt Posts: On New Years Day I gave my broken headphones to someone at the Promise/Goodgreef event. Who was it? I dont want them back I was just wondering who got them. I had those headphones for about 6 years. So I used them for every gig in that time including Don Valley millenium NYE, all summer sound systems/Lotherton hall etc, mixing of my essential mix and both GC albums I did. Also- there is paint on them from when I was decorating my house while listening for possible tracks for resident trans 1. Ah the nostalga!! I should have put them in a glass case!
Re: Matt Hardwicks Headphones I nearly had a set of sony's off Tiesto a few years back at a Gods night in Amnesia. Little bitch cyber climbed up my back for them :evil: still they were sony's and would fall to bit's anyway
If i had them and i seen that id give them back to him ! They obviously hold alot of memories for Matt Hardwick and you can tell that from what he has wrote in the board ! Look @ some of the places where he has used them man, he must of had them for ages !! Matt Hardwick = Legend
spot on mate - mean a lot to the guy - wud certainly offer em back - specially to of most genuine ppl around!
I have them!!!!!! i fell dead guilty now, ive just just registered on his forum and im gonna offer to give him them back as the obv mean a lot to him hopefully it will get me backstage or summit at gods Top bloke for giving me them tho, even tho they were broke, nothing a big of superglue didnt fix like