Max Graham are there any plans to have max graham back?? because i thought the night he was on with matt hardwick was one of the best!!
i agree, think hes ded good like, but he'd need to be on wiv sum1 like matt again (or ne1 really) as him on his own would prob not pull a very big crowd. but deffo up 4 more max!!
GET HIM BACK!!!! im listening to cried to dream, and he is the person most likely to play it!!!! ANOTHER MATT + MAX NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u taking da piss boyo?? we asked him to play bullit last time and he was dead shocked!!said he couldn't believe we asked!!but said we had good taste!
totally agree, that was one of the best nights at promise, I never knew prog could be that could and uplifting. more pls
more max graham!!!!! and james holden? hmmmmmmmmmm....that would be a class early warm up!!! you know it makes sense!! 10-12 james holden 12-2 max graham 2-4 matt Hardwick hmmmmmmmmm....