McCanns use charity donations to pay their mortgage .... meanwhile they are both doctors (earning an absolute fortune), with a 600k house and Jerry has a 12 grand watch on his wrist. What do people think about this?
Would any other family that had a child kidnapped or otherwise 'gone' give up their job and expect someone else to foot the bill. .... or does this smack a bit of milking the media and the well wishes of the masses. I just wonder what NOT working and doing interviews and newspaper adverts in the daily mail is going to do to find their daughter, over and above a standard investigation. It raises some interesting questions as to the meaning of the word charity, if it means someones mortgage gets paid, or it finances a full time spokesperson (and all the other 'costs') invoved with this whole thing.
which would you rather have - your child safe or your mortgage paid? Anyone would think they are to be envied to read the shit thats written about them. They have tried to use the media to help their cause and now it's turned on them like it always does and will now proceed to crucify them like it always does. I'm fucking glad I'm not them even if it means I have to pay my own mortgage.
It's more the point that when people donated the monies they thought it was going to be spent on helping to find her. I'm sure the McCanns could of contacted there mortgage provider and came up with some kind of temporary arrangement until they started work again rather than dip into a charity fund. Surely they must of known how it'd look to the public. I think they need to spend even more of that charity money and hire a better PR man.
You can't really use the old "someone else foot the bill" line when people willingly donated money to them.
Aye but did/do the people know who donated money, that it would be going towards paying pricey 'spokespeople' or to cover mortgage costs, or court battles to clear their 'aguido' status. ... What portion of it is actually going towards finding a supposedly kidnapped girl.
I'd definitely rattle her. And that stupid fucking 'cuddle cat' too, if she's not prepared to put it down, the cat's getting some too.