Memoir & Cliffy Burrows - Elemental Sun 13/8/06 8pm GMT I will be guesting on Memoir's show 'Elemental' on Sunday 13th August 2006 at 20.00 GMT, 21.00 CET and 15.00 EST. Memoir will be playing the first 90 mins then i'll be doing 90 mins myself. Expect to hear tracks from Karen Overton, Markus Schulz, Elevation, Yoshimoto, Niklas Harding, M.I.K.E., Andrew Bennett, Brisky, JFK, Genix, Deepwide, Daniel Kandi, Smith & Pledger, Insigma, Mike Koglin, Order To Dance, Bart Claessen & many more. So tune in for some Trance goodness. Click on the link below to listen: Click >>here<< to listen on WIndows Media Player Click >>here<< to listen on Winamp Disco.