Milfs What do u blokes think about the older women? i cant resist perving on fit mature women when im out and about... dunno what it is.. maybe they could teach me a thing or two. But for some reason they are far more interestin than young tarts am i the only drunk guy milfhunting?
milf hunting is quality tho ! never go above 45 tho unless your talking former mrs world or something ! Shania twain is the best example i can think of of a completley sexy as fuck older women !
If your into Milfs why not to to Greys Apparantely the woman are amazing their until they turn around
There's some reet milfs knocking about like, I can't decide out of: Mrs Cohen (The O.C) Heather Locklear
Wouldnt matter if she wore Armada t-shirt ASOT t-shirt and a vandit t-shirt or any t-shirt. I still say no im afraid
is that your lad in your sig im sure i've seen youse before, was it you who asked for my old metro ticket at mannors on friday?
Its Manors :evil: Nope its you remember you came into the VD clinic and asked me for an appointment card <JOKE>