Mind trick? Three men eat at a restaurant. The bill comes to £25. They each pay £10. When the waiter brings the £5 change they take back £1 each and leave a £2 tip. So each man has paid £9, which totals £27. The waiter has the £2 tip, which makes £29, so where's the other £1 gone?
the pound didn't go anywhere, 30 - 5, = 25, the waiter has 2 which is 27 then they all took 1 each which makes it up to 30
A conference room contains three separate wall-mounted spotlights - right, left and front of stage. Each is controlled by its own on-off switch. These three switches are numbered 1, 2 and 3, but they are in a back-room which has no sight of the the spotlights or the conference room (and there are no reflections or shadows or mirrors, and you are alone). How do you identify each switch correctly - right, left, front - if you can only enter the back-room once? I used these interviewing people this week cos im mean
They only paid 25, gave the waiter 2 quid and had an extra quid each. They never paid 3 x 9 to start with
I dunno if i understand this one. Surely left right and front would be matched with the switches that were left middle and right? :spangled:
Switch on number 1 and leave it on for 30 seconds, then switch it off. Switch on number 2 and leave it on. Enter the conference room. The spotlight that is on is obviously number 2. The spotlight that is warm is switch 1, and the other spotlight is number 3