Miss Kittin - Professional Distortion (Subsky "In Your Face" Remix) HOW GOOD!? Funky electro trance i'd say - Either way its effing superb. Get ahold of this!
Re: Miss Kittin - Professional Distortion (Subsky "In Your Face" Remix) I play quite a bit of her stuff check out Requiem for a Hit
very nice... there's a decent selection of proggy trancey numbers on 3beat (including this one!) at the moment... could spend loads...
Re: Miss Kittin - Professional Distortion (Subsky "In Your Face" Remix) thats an awful description of a song!!
I didnt have time to think of a chin stroking description at the time so i progressed with a more stream of conciousness based moniker to the aforementioned tune.... capiche?