Mistress Barbera Has anyone got any rescent MB sets or track listings ? What sort of techno does she play ?
Have only ever had about 20mins worth of her, but that's long gone now. Had a search on Kazaa L and nothing came up She was good at GK at the Arena, she only had the last hour but was well received - bout time there was some good stuff after all that girly trance
Theres loads of her stuff on Soulseek. Im dowloading some now, so hopefully let u know soon. I thought she was shit at GK telewest, Amazing in Scotland in June, then average at GKGG in July. So mixed opinion tbh :spangled:
Thought the set she played at GKGG was mint, one of the best at the festival. other set ive heard is from the Opium Gardens at last years WMC