mobile phone repairs the back light on my phone went off last nite now i cant see my screen very well got a quote of 80 quid to fix it today that market in newcastle. any one no any cheap repair shops in newcastle
Are you not on contract? You can get replacements if your under contract I think depending if you took insurance out like I suppose.
Also if its under a year old you can get a replacement without insurance, because it will be still be under warranty.
take it to your network providers shop or ring them, theyll give you a place to take it to to get fixed under the warranty... if its not, theres a shop in wallsend that does them pretty cheap like. sony ericssons do this a lot, i had same fone and this happened, took it to that shop they done it for like 40 quid.. but that was ages ago..
the port at the bottom the phone wear you put your charger fucked up on my K800i i been also told off other people that have sony ericsson's that loadz thinks go wrong with them. i got rid mine got the new samsung now.
From personal experience working for Orange on handset faults (til Xmas) - Sony Ericsson's are one of the more reliable manufacturers. They had a few problems with joysticks but that was it
Loads of things go wrong with every make of phone, otherwise everyone would just get the same make wouldnt they
You can buy brand new k750i's for less then £80 now! The phone shops in the market are a right pisstake for the prices! I wouldnt even bother getting it fixed! Get a new one, and just transfer all your pics etc over
Ive broke mine what a bastard. I actually have the original nokia now no joke....its actually bigger than my housephone.