Moment of 2002? what was your clubbing moment of 2002? i cant think of mine yet.... my best clubbing moment ever would probably be walking into GC for the first time, seeing loads of cybers, hearing urban train, and seeing GATECRASHER letters on the bridge ahead of me....class....
GKGG Just as the sun was setting Southern Sun was dropped while i was laid down on the grass looking up at the sky and something else was happening which i cannot mention. Twas heaven
GKGG! The whole event was amazing! One of the best memories from the night was when Pin-Up dropped "Over 4 Me" around 6.15am, then when she fooked up and killed the sound for about 10seconds later on in her set! And proving that the "Bob the Builder" tent really did exist and I adn't just imagined/hallucinated it!!!
have to agree gkgg the whole event was superb lying on the gras in the sun was imense!! but for me had to be seeing tiesto for the first time at crasher wasnt let down in the slightest!!!!
Dunno thier has been loads this year, the best was prob when Oakey dropped Iced Beer at Pacha, even though i was unwell and totally straight headed it was class the place went nuts every one was given little sparklers and there was loads of white confetti. That was absolutly awesome!
haha that was damocles's tent from off here. we found him later in the night running round the fairground with the tent on his head weirdo
really enjoyed GKGG.. but if i had to choose one moment.. then it would probably be hearing born slippy being dropped by underworld. closely followed by the first time i heard the cheeky girls
That was my close 2nd (there was only a midges dick between them) Best Weekend was I think next it was nhen we went bo Bugged out and saw Luke slater then did Judgement Sunday but i dived back to bakers and wrapped everything in tinfoil,clingfilm and made toilet paper icecream and that pass the parcell. Oh yeah and watching you get well fucked up on that Vodka. HAHAHA Memories
weekend of carnage i forgot all about that.. i would like to say that was my fave moment but i remember nothing about it!
Hearing Oakey drop Bullet in the gun @ Gatecrasher 2000GC for the milennium was awesome and will always stay as a fond memory... Also...autumn tactics bein played for us @ Kremlin by the god that is matt hardwick!! cities bein played, again by matt hardwick, as last tune @ promise earlier in the year....special! And finally (for now)....oakey playing southern sun @ gcsss this year.....oakey back to his best for that set...simply awesome! Agree with phil as well...2002 has been simply fantastic for meeting new clubbin friends....not even just clubbin friends tho really.....met some top class people! Hope 2003 bring so much happiness Awwwww am off to cry now
telewest in sept, fighting way to the front and seeing AVB for the first time. worst moment half an hour later, still up at the front during fergie's set, my mate turns to me and say's you look hot, i said i was! "Why don't you rip off your sleeves!" what a good idea it seemed at the time,so there we were both of us,her ripping her top and me ripping my shirt!grrrr
Making the trip down to see Tiesto @ Code on his second solo! Then hearing him drop Universal Nation and Urban Train!
I definately agree with you there Phil, we must have been in that carpark until 3 or 4 in the afternoon! Always after a big event like that, all I have wanted to do was get in the car and head for home super quick.......... not this time, first time for everything I suppose I'm trying to work out what was more frightening...... the police asking who Dumonde were or those micro plane things! :spangled: :spangled: :chill:
Mine was surprise surprise GKGG, but more to the point with Si, Decca, Laura Zeta, and a couple of others when Lab 4 were on