Mornin! mornin everyone, all had good weekends i hope. mine was fair, family bbq's etc. so another long week starts, booo! back at feckin work... longest shift ever today.... 9 till 8, nightmare... anyone doing longer??
YES, 8 - 10 with a hangover so it'll feel like a 24 hour shift & not a 14 hour one! i have waves of poorliness coming over me.... :sick:
i rolled in about 8:45ish... probs go home about 4:30ish... sit in mi office all day, drink some tea, have a few tabs, surf the net. All the students have finished till Sept. ahhhhhhhhh working for a uni is gooood.
i was quite drank, only managed half a pint of water b4 bed too! "oooooooh & aren't you cute!" "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee boyfriend won't even let me out any more" (i'm not surprised if thats how he goes on) 2 fat!
gutted hun... just 11 hours for me today, longest shift i've done in months, already knackered... can't go on.....
trust me so am I! to make matters worse it's actually my day off so i shhould really b lying in bed dying but instead i'm having to soldier on!
thats too much...... workin on ya day off, have you gone quite mad!! don't worry, will soon be over and be back home havin a :chill: !
ive had the exam, i passed it nd still have sit thru the sheer bordem of it all... good job av got msn on me comp innit!? xx