due to houses gettin knocked down in thornaby AkA mandale esatate there is lack off flats and houses available in thornaby . so a think am gunna do this get me mam to play along that thinks not good at home and the mite speed up gettin me place but a dont want it no esle but thornaby. and am fine moi hun bit knacked this morning howz urself what ya been up 2 and u @ preston GG or GG @ tall trees ???
Just the usual hun!! I suppose you wont have to pay lots of money if you live at home, im at Trees but not preston it’s a bit to far + I maybe down London that weekend
a just want me own place now out the way own inderpendence council pissin me off about been 5months on the housein list now hopefully catch ya at Tall Trees GG a havent met ya yet by nice to finally meet carnt wait till saturday lookin foward to seein Marco V & Scott bond
yeah itl be nice to put a face to a name!! keep on at the council. could you not go private? anyways i cant wait to move out to hopefully by september things will be in place How long will it take to get to Preston?
yeh would be nice to put name to face also . a will keep on that them a thinking about seein if a can but the conucil for some reason dont give houses out to people under 21 and u have to be a tenent for 3 year or more to quaity for a house dunno y that is so thats y have to have a flat and the carnt even give me one those at the moment . Gunna ask around about private flat just depends how much it would cost and that. a havent got a clue how long it take to get to preston hun just lookin foward to it
Y not get a gf get her pregnant and youl be offered a flat sooner!!! Oj Well hope you have a good time
ha Im not having children until im 30 I have nothing to offer them anyways youl stop clubbing some day
me stop clubbin not for a long time yet same here well about 26 27 a would have a family but got another 7 years plus yet to go long way off . more clubbing to do yet what ya doin on the weekend
chilling out this weekend!! shopping and messing abot on my decks ive started to calm the clubbing down