motivation WANTED 1 x MR (or MRS) MOTIVATOR Required to: Get me out of bed at 7:15 and no later. Bucket/Water can be used, or you are welcome to just hit me with the bucket. Get me to eat less crap and hide all biscuits at work before I RAID THE TIN army stylee Provide healthy snacks so full of fibre I will be shitting cups of tea infinitely better than the produce of a hangover MAKE ME GO TO THE GYM AFTERWARDS AND NOT GIVE UP AND GO HOME - Going home and 'coming back after dinner' IS FAILURE BECAUSE I NEVER GO. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. How do you motivate yourself?
i took up danger wanking, because wanking inside got a bit boring and i couldn't motivate myself, but now i danger wank all the time.
In the lift is the best, you just never know what floor it'll open on. unless you have one of those lifts which tell you (that's cheating)
for ultimate danger wanking i prefer kids playgrounds, if you get caught your going to prison for life, the rush is immense.
Forearm workout, plus when you ultimately get spotted on Northumberland street cracking one off think of it as a few hundred yards on the treadmill.
it can get you to the moon and back if you do it enough danger wanking... haven't heard that in a long time
I'd not be surprised though with your decking out the back it'd be enough to turn anyone on!!!!ha ha ha![COLOR] Or are you just doing it on top of your covers and calling Andre up the stairs????