my day out yesyerday.... yesterday i was at richmond, next to the river, with a couple of family friends and cousins, you know, sun shining, kids playing in the park, eating picnics having a paddle..... and watching some lad fall off a 50ft cliff. sitting there, right on the river in front of some lads, not charvas at all, just a couple of 18 - 20 yr olds messing about in the river, they were from round there so i thought they must do it all the time, got a bit scared when some of them strated jumping off the ciffs into the river, said to my cousin cris, "somethings gonna happen here" as the words came out my mouth this one lad went to look over the side of the cliff. then backed away, but as he done that he slipped and as he wasnt prepared for the jump, he just tumbled down the 50ft cliff, hit the rocks at the bottom, BACK first, HEAD second, tumbled down some more whilst un-concious and fell into the water. his friends were at the other end of the river ran down down and just pulled him out. i was on the phone to the ambulance crying my eyes out as all i could describe it was like hes fell off a cliff into some razor sharp rocks and into the water!! ( in a bloody que for one btw!) for what seemed 30 mins before they got there... THEN, the paramedics said they couldnt get over the river (even though i could WALK over to him) so they had to phone the fire services, who then came about half an hour later, who then had to phone mountian bloody resuce... at this point i was ready to carry the strecher over my self as he was obviously on his way to being dead..... anyway, after a wasted journey by mountain rescue and 2 fire engines a copper paddled his way thru with one fire man and the paramedics finally got their shoes wet and got him out. his friend who stayed there with him was soo shocked he just couldnt speak, just looked thru everyone. just looked at me as if i wasnt there. just like a lost child... god it was heartbreaking..... one of the worst days out EVER. fair to say :cry2:
he was just breathing when i was there... hope he pulled thru (well stabilised anyway). pulse was canny weak although it is when your un-concious... :cry2:
it turns out he was only 15..... and was only joining in the fun with some lads while he was out with his grandma...... Rock fall boy 'extremely poorly' A 15-year-old boy is seriously ill in hospital after he fell 40ft onto rocks in North Yorkshire. The youngster had been standing on high ground overlooking the waterfall at the Batts, in Richmond, on Sunday. Firefighters launched a boat into the River Swale to save the boy, who had been with his grandmother when the accident happened. He was taken to James Cooke Hospital, Middlesborough, where his conditioned is described as "extremely poorly". :cry2:
I heard about this on news, said he is recovering now but escaped serious injuries....there was a man who fell of a cliff in sunderland and died Sat so thought it might have been him but not if he was 15...
Hope he pulls through although judging by the discription and what it says on the news he's not gonna have much quality of life even if he does Good look to him and all his family too :flowers:
it was horrible.... people just stood there while i was ringing an ambulance ect..... making sure he was safe somewhere til it come.... :cry2: