My New Hoodie Is grey with white writing on it that says: "I party like Kate Moss" Well happy with it
i also liked everyone is somebody elses weirdo which harks back to my we're all randoms to everyone else when you think about it debate that usally happens at around half 4 in the morning...
i just ordered one from HTFR with a picture of the pitch control on a pair of technics and "bitch control" under it. i buy all these t shirts with funny things on them but i never wear them i have a problem (cue shit jokes)
they normally like hard house too, tell me comedown fairy what genre's of music are you interested in?
When i'm not mugging old ladies and drinking cider from a bottle on a street corner i can be found listening to mainly old school (with lots of piano's in it) and funky house. This new jumper will be for sunday chill outs only.
read it Soooooooooooo am currently wking @ the nhs and everything is so slow here, am used to wking in a sales office with the phoens going ape, god am bored. temping too until i go to uni only 6 weeks left, well giddy. *clicks fingers* amuse me
*blushes* thank you Everytime i say i like funky house on the GG board i get loads of abuse, i don't get it, each to their own right? (Apart from Emo Rockers they need hurting) I'm in a well ranty mood today.... @ GL: Yes you are, you know you are my BIATCH, from now until eternity. Cat's BIATCH< maybe we should get it tatooed on your forehead?
you luuuuuuurve me, you've miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed me, go on admit it, you've missed me. :angel2: remember that LOG thread we did on GG, amazing, it went on for weeks, and i believe i kicked your ass. (I mean, how do you shave? go on, tell the one about the mow mow..
i don't usually wear stuff with funny writings on them, but jambon has a mint one that says DIDISASS or something like that, in the adidas font.