My New Idiol! AM I THE ONLY PERSON HERE THAT WOULD! sell there t.v and p.c to buy that pete from big brother! just hav him for entertainment! i think i cud hav hours of fun with that lad and learn sum pointers
he is quality entertainment like, but selling my tv and pc, i don't think so, it would be like seeling my right arm
no i couldn't bring myself to sell my pc or my tv, even though i've got two tvs, i wouldn't sell either of them.
Dude.. she will obliterate u with one blink of her eyelashes.. As for Pete.. he is mint.. Has he been drunk yet? I haven't been watching..
Jimi you are an Idiol A loveable goon Someone get in touch with the people who make dictionaries i think we have a new word :laugh: