My Piss Has Boiled! Fucking wank post office twats have decided to send a package back to the sender because i was unable to pick it up within a week, due to the fact their only opening times ar between 9 and 12 in the morning, IM at bastard work then so how the fuck am i gonna do that. theyve sent it back to the shop on ebay, gonna have to ask politely if they can re send it. ffs wankers :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
They are shit the post office, the open at the times when absolutly no one can go there. Even students can't get there cause they don't get up till 12.
I've got something waiting for me to collect as well, have between 9 and 1 to pick it up which is near impossible coz im in bed. I'm wondering what the hell it is :s Did plan on going tommorow morning but have a new tumble dryer coming and have to wait in
they should have just left it at your neighbours and put a card through your door telling you where it is !!! unless you dont have any neighbours ?
tbh mate why did you get it delivered to your home address if you werent gonna be there to accept delivery