Basically you get paid to say for example go to a restaurant to eat there food and report back on various aspects 'i think'
I'd do it but my report would be something along the lines of 'aye it was a nice chicken burger.. could have done with more hot sauce.' I think they want people with experience in this sort of thing.. no?
I used to Mystery shop for Barratts when my Aunty was the regional manager, I just used to have to go in the shops and pretend I was buying shoes etc. I used to report back to my Aunty with how I was treat etc.
we had a msytery shpper come into the shop i work at, she basically just came in, and behaved like a twat.. she tried to get every single member of staff in the shop runnin round 4 her... but thats a trick shoplifters use as well so the gaffer was following her round thinking she was on the graft