Naughty Up North Naughty Up North is a brand new concept for promoting the underground dance scene in the North east. It a local community website where clubbers can find out what, where and when events of all underground genre's are happening. They can add their own reviews of the night and add comments to the chat box. If you are a promoter you can apply for an account and once authorised you will be given admin powers so that you can keep the info on your nights up-to-date. Add news, upload flyer images and add dates to the events calender. We aim to provide a weekly e-newsletter once there is a healthy input from promoters. Have a look around the site read the HELP section then either apply for an account if your a promoter or signup for the newsletter if your not. Naughty Up North
All local promotors should use this to their advantage, if every1 registers this has the potential to be something really good!