new jobs does anyone know the best place to do you cv from? i'm going to have to start job hunting asap cos i think i'm going to get sacked soon!!!
Re: new jobs I can e-mail you mine if you like, have a look and see where you go from there. It's got me everyjob I have went for, apart from BT but I'm pleased I never got it now
its a long story but basically work are trying to fuck me over for chrimbo.... they have logs from me being on here & quotes for what i've said on here before it was blocked!
Me too. It doesn't need to be fancy, just professional enough. Unless you've got fuck all to put on there in which case you'll have to pad it out a bit with prettiness.
I used a company which advertised in the back of the Chronicle, i can't remeber their name now, but all i had to do was fill in a form with all the details i wanted on, send it away then they sent me it back, it only cost a tenna and was well worth it as i got a job a few weeks later! Having a good Cv definatley makes a difference, i spend two months sending out one i'd made myself with no joy, then as soon as i started sending a proper one out i got loads of interviews!
having just been excorted off the premises & suspended til further notice i really need to look for a new job & quick!