new name!! as i havent been in cyber in years (despite the recent influences of certain blond haired board members ) ive changed my name, to (how original) graham. dont even know why writin this, canny fuckin smashed like, just to let everyone know thank you tar!!!!!!!
Is this the new sensible you!!!!! HAve you not had enough of the old vino to come up with something a bit more creative You guys having fun?!!! Is that idiot of a flatmate of mine with you?!!
lol yeah were at mart's, u not comin round like?? daves here & few others, so its got quite messy im not doing anything tho, u know thats all behind me.......... :angel2: :angel3:
Bit late for an invite now.........I'm in SUnday mode.......even got a full roast going on. Domestic Goddess or what hey... Nigella watch out HAve fun - say Hi to everyone for me - Glad to be missing out tbh cos would have blown all my money and probably my brains:spangled:
you cooking?? hmm.. mite come round for a roast like!!!! just jokin lol, tho noones in any state to do much this afta, still think ya shud get ur arse round tho!!!
Nah defo not coming up like- (bet you will be soon though ) Have fun.......... Be good.........and if you can't be good be careful
im always good :angel2: will see u in A BIT, PURVY CUT MY HAIR LAST NITE TOO, WAIT TILL YA SEE IT!!!!
Is it that Bad that you had to emphasize it in CAPITALS Purvy quite likes playing hairdressers doesn't he
Graham, youve been in cyber much less than years ago Stop pretending And do you not spell your name with a capital letter?? :spangled:
lol yeah were still here, fuckin nackered now tho still had no sleep and got work tomorrow my hairs alright, considering purvy was gurning his chops off while doing it!! hopefully bed soon