new threads+photo hi peeps my name is jam'e'tron and im a new member. need a little bit help, ive noticed that when peeps post new threads they often have pictures or photos on the left hand side of the screen saying who the thread was posted by. i would like to find out how to do this, so could anyone out there give me some help :spangled: thanx jam'e'tron:cyber:
Re: new threads+photo go to edit profile and change avatar mate. you can then select a pic from your pc hi by the way
quick reply hi marce thanx for your quick reply, and your help. hi to ruth and everybody else.... jam'e'tron:cyber:
Use calculator and paint. Open the pic in paint, and wave the mouse over the bottom right corner to find the horizontal and vertical pixel lengths. Divide 139 by those lengths and times 100 to find out percentages. Then in paint go to image -> Stretch/skew, then enter the horizontal and vertical percentages in the boxes. Click OK. They should be the right size now
sorry for the scare hi dodgy, im still here sorry , but as you can probably tell im new to computers, cant seem to find paint program der !!! jam'e'tron:cyber:
Re: sorry for the scare just give up it'll be in your programs if you have it, in accessories i think but i aint at home :groovy: