new year seein as cassies whackin on about christmas... anyone know whats goin on over new years? first year since millenium i wont have been working :wiggle: :beer:
no clue at all, just think its a bit much celebration for the end of one year, beginning of the next. are foundation doing owt?
i hate new years eve prefer new years day hope the boat is on again loved it last year even though i had to go to work the next day but wont have to this time my rents are going away for new year too had the choice to go but i'd rather be here with all my friends
ive had tonsilitus, flu or been at work nearly every year since i was 16 so hopefully this years gonna be different the boat wasnt anything special imo... trashed from work the night before then found out i was 300 over my limit after a mad one in leeds the week before think there was whisperings about hardwick playing promise on NYE? might head somewhere else if theres naff all on in the toon...
NYE is a class night out, I really have enjoyed the last the 2 but I guess thats because I worked the 3 before them 2. Deffo going to the Tall Tree's again this year, unless Nice pull something out of the bag.
normally go away for new year, but staying at home this friends from all over coming. so i hope theres gonna be something on
Won't Shindig have NYE, they usually do whatever day it happens to be on? I assume that's becuase it makes Foundation more money? As for me, not sure yet...Bambu probably
Addams Family Reunion Gomez Adams,Morticia Adams,Phillip Adams,Walter Adams,Grandpa Addams,Grandma Adams,Granny,Lurch,Pugsley Adams,Wednesday Adams,Melinda Adams,Delores Adams, Stevie Adams & Thing - all going to Festers for NYE how sweet.
would do, but dont normally go clubbing at new year cos most of my mates and the ones who are coming to stay are not into the music. but u never know
Re: Addams Family Reunion all those adams.... and you missed out the most important one of all i wonder what 'adams' will be doing this nye? i would pay £25 a head just top watch him all night