New Years Resolutions Anyone thought of theirs? I have a few... 1. stop smoking altogether 2. get fit again, im a slobby bastard atm and i used to be hunky as fuck when i was a teenager 3. pretty much knock out all drug use after new years, even though i barely do it anymore anyway. 4. cut the booze down to just social drinking and when footy is on. 5. start saving money instead of wasting it on crap. 6. start playing me drums again on a regular basis. 7. work hard at uni! anyone planning on changing their life in the new year or just me?
Stop smoking (again) Do more exercise Stop being horrible to people when they don't deserve it Try to be happier with my life. That'll do for a start
Cut out drinking except on nights out ie not in the house. Stick to my training plan and eat healthier. Be better with my money (which will happen if the above to are stuck too )
1. Actually do some of my college work. 2. Open a savings account, and use it. 3. Sort out my pension (recent correspondence suggests state pension not going to be adequate!) 4. Exercise more. 5. Learn to drive (carried over from last new year ) 6. Be more positive. I could carry on but I'll stop there.
eat less junk join the gym and go at least 3 or 4 times a week cut back on the :chill: a bit stop worrying about things as much
get fit and lose 1 stone, i want to be super thin stick in @ college meaning do work when i get it rather than the night before and decide what im doing after work harder at my relationship and stop being such a bitch at times and thinking of me me me all the time stop spending money on crap i.e drugs, things i dont need stop making so much effort with 'friends' (not) that couldnt give a shit and spend more time with real friends
1. Get back in the gym and train my nuts off. Ive lapsed this year. 2. quit social smoking ... and more worryingly, unsocial smoking. 3. cut down on red wine .... im going to put myself into an early grave ON the other hand. 4. Continue to do well in my career 5. Buy a stonkingly quick car 6. A nice girlfriend to fill those blank spaces around work, sleep and other engagements would be nice aswell