Newcastle Eateries Looks like i'm going to be up in Newcastle on Tuesday. Where is the best places to go for early dinner around half 6ish? Don't want a full on restaurant more a bistro/cafe type as i'll be on my own. Preferably near the train station or the quayside also. ta.
Do cafe 21 still have their early bird dinner thing on ... might be perfect if your eating between 5 and 7. Other than that, cant say ive eaten properly in town for ages ..... Treacle Moon perhaps (or has that shut down?)
cheers for all the suggestions guys. i'm sure i'll find somewhere decent out of that lot. and yes si i'm in court, we're starting proceedings on the tuesday. think the trial will be mid april so i'll probs be in toon for a week or so then. hopefully there will be something decent going on while i'm up also.