Newcastle General A&E I Fell really heavily on my Ribs on Friday night, but just thought I would leave them a few days to see if the got any better. They have got ALOT worse and im in agony with them. Was planning on going to A&E today, but someone told me they turn you away if the accident occured more than 48hours ago. Is this true, dont wanna waste a journey, and should you book a doctors appointment???
dunno, ive never heard that before and theres always plenty of time wasters at A & E so for an injury dont see why they could do that you could always ring them up and ask them to save the journey hope your ok
My mam fractured her tow putting furniture up at my flat but left it for a few days and when she finally decided to go to the doctors they told her she couldn't get an xray at the hospital as it happened a few days before, but not sure if they'd just turn you away if you turned up in agony, hope you feel better soon though
Cheers people, i might jut go to hospital and tell them i did it on sunday night, am not waiting for 4 days for a doctors appointment when im in agony!
Just lie if you have too, Ive just fractured my finger and delayed the healing process by about 2-3 weeks by not just going to casualty when it happened.
thing is they cant do a thing for ribs,,,they just have to heal of their own accord,, suppose its good to know like,,an they are meant to be a bitch,
It's not a case of them turning you away because they dont like people who have broken their ribs/toes etc, there just isn't an awful lot they can do and they wont waste time with X-rays a lot of the time. I broke my little toe a few months back and went to the hospital but all they did was take a quick look at it and said 'well it's probably broken but you're just going to have to avoid putting much pressure on it till it heals itself'. Same applies for ribs as far as i know. ps. if your rib is sticking out of your chest like a spear then maybe they'll take a look. No promises though.