Newcastle needs... a after party club! say one that starts at 4am and goes on till miday/2pm preferably with hard house
yes. yes it does. an afterparty club wud b gud.. but with onlee promise and a few peeps @ fractured... will enuf people go for it 2 be worth doin for the promoter
I agree it is one thing that is lacking up here, but not playing HH it hurts my head anytime of the day but especially after 4am.
Doubt a club like that would take off in newcastle! just not enough peeps up here into that sort of stuff.
more to do with the dumb ass council init though... they would never allow it! or even a cafe or something everyone could go to after... just anything open after 4am apart from the local petrol station!
what's wrong with going to someones house with a few mates, a few tunes, and relaxing for about twelve hours? :chill:
would be nice to have an after party some where, but to stop play hardhouse, no play trance! play a variety of music?
i agree with you on that, cus some of the after parties we have had have been better than goin out clubbin, but when you do it week in week out it can get too much and you just wanna come home and get some peace?
damm right its ofetn by favourite part of the nite u get a chance to chat to your mates without music banging and on the whole ahve fun!
And there was me thinking loud music (got to have turntables too)and dancin were requirements to turn a sit&mokebackatours into a party.
never said there was anything wrong with that, just be nice to have the option to continue going hard... oh and one more thing, a decent trance/hard house night on the sat.... mmmmmmmmm
No chance of a city of culture having early morning HH club is there really!!!! When i used to go to the Empire more a load of us used to go to Rileys Pool hall after a night out, is there one in newcastle???? That used to be good crack!